Our Process
October 30, 2024
Our Process

The Difference Between a Review Estimate and Proposal

A Preliminary Budgeting Tool Versus an Actionable Statement of Work

Review Estimate

What is a Review Estimate?
A review estimate is a preliminary budgeting tool provided when project documents intended for review are not yet available to share. It allows clients to forecast costs and timelines early in the development process, even before drawing sets or specifications are finalized.

When to Use It:
Clients typically request a review estimate when they want to budget for a project review during its early stages. This is especially useful for planning purposes when detailed project information is unavailable.

What It Includes:

  • A preliminary breakdown of the number of hours allocated to each review focus.
  • The total review fee.
  • A projected review schedule, expressed in terms of business days from the mobilization (start date).

How It’s Developed:
Our team creates estimates based on minimal input, such as a written project summary or scoping document. Using metrics like project sector, location, construction type, and complexity—combined with data from similar past reviews—we deliver accurate, reliable estimates.

Estimates can be tailored to meet specific budgetary or scheduling requirements once issued. Clients are encouraged to share their intended review start date to ensure the necessary resources are available and to avoid delays.

Best Practice:
If you plan to proceed with a review based on an estimate, inform CHECKSET of your desired start date as early as possible to ensure seamless scheduling and resource allocation.

Review Proposal

What is a Review Proposal?
A review proposal is an actionable statement of work issued once the latest project documents intended for review have been shared. Unlike an estimate, a proposal is based on a detailed assessment of the project’s specific requirements.

When to Use It:
Proposals are typically requested when clients have finalized their project documents and are ready to proceed with the review. This stage allows for a more accurate and customized plan.

What It Includes:

  • An accurate sheet count of each consultant drawing set.
  • A breakdown of the number of hours allocated to each review focus.
  • The total review fee.
  • A projected review schedule, expressed in terms of business days from the mobilization (start date).
  • A signature field to formalize acceptance and proceed with the statement of work.

How It’s Developed:
Proposals can be requested via email or through our website, where clients can customize their review scope during the request process. Once the latest documents are received, our team typically issues a recommended proposal within 24 hours.

Like estimates, proposals are designed to be interactive. Clients can accept the recommended proposal or refine the review scope to better align with their budget or schedule. This flexibility ensures that the proposal meets the unique needs of each project.

Key Benefits:

  • Once aligned on the proposal, reviews can often begin as early as the next business day.
  • Proposals represent a total fee contract with no ongoing costs or reimbursables, providing clarity and predictability.

Best Practice:
While CHECKSET’s services are designed to minimize lead times, contacting us early ensures your project is incorporated into our work plan—especially during high-volume periods that may extend review schedules.


Both review estimates and review proposals are essential tools for managing construction document reviews effectively. Estimates provide clients with early-stage budgeting insights, helping them plan ahead, while proposals offer a detailed and actionable framework for executing reviews once documents are finalized. By understanding the distinct roles and benefits of each, clients can make informed decisions and ensure their projects progress smoothly.

At CHECKSET, we are committed to providing accurate, flexible, and timely solutions tailored to your project’s unique needs. Whether you’re budgeting for a future review or ready to move forward, our team is here to support you every step of the way.